The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Hobart Branch


filler - "For from within comes ruin, and from within comes help"Epictetus (L)y1970v19i11Augustp342
In the Beginning ... Was The Word & Was With GodRobert K Davidson (L)y1970v19i11Augustp343
A Landing on the SunAhmed Fazelbhoy (L)y1970v19i11Augustp346
Philosophy of RebirthG de Purucker (L)y1970v19i11Augustp348
filler - The power of dissent has value only if itJames A. Long (L)y1970v19i11Augustp352z+
filler - "The strong man and the waterfall channel"Arabic Precept (L)y1970v19i11Augustp352
Time to Open the DoorWilly Ph Felthuis (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp353
filler - "The true and strong and sound mind"Samuel Johnson (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp356
A God Sits in the MachineMichael Cosser (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp357
filler - "The perfection of the highest virtue"GRS Mead (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp360
Cameos of WisdomEloise Hart (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp361
The Mysteries of the KingdomClifton Meek (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp366
filler - "Was there ever a time"Gerry de Leon (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp371
Ltte - "I found the lead article in the June Sunrise"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp372
Ltte - "When studying history one becomes aware"Nellie Davis (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp373
Ltte - "When the film 2001 - A Space Odyssey"C Elwood (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp374
The Dhammapada (2)Harishcandra Kaviratna (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp375
filler - "He did not stop on the steps"Fyodor Dostoevski (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp381
Great ExpectationsElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp382
filler - Surely our earth has been designed for a loftier roleGertrude W Hockinson (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "It is a secret which every intellectual man"Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1970v19i12Septemberp384
The Great Potter's WheelJames A. Long (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp1
filler - "We learn from philosophers"Epictetus (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp3
The Expanding UniverseStanton A. Coblentz (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp4
filler - "The professional football player"Willy Ph Felthuis (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp7
My ReligionAddison Parker (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp8
Man - God-MakerElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp9
filler - "Many of us for centuries were told that"Fred A. Lindemans (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp12
The Soul and Her MansionsPlato (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp13
filler - "What is strength without a double share of wisdom?"John Milton (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp18
filler - "Simplicity is the last word of wisdom"Reginald W Machell (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp18
The Dhammapada (3)Harishcandra Kaviratna (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp19
filler - "No man can rise superior to his individual failings"HP Blavatsky (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp24
Frost's, Robert, Considerable SpeckMadeline Clark (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp25
filler - "To express hope by some star"Vincent Van Gogh (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp27
The Inner WorldWalter Donald Kring (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp28
filler - Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportionEdmund Burke (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "Christian Bible ... Buddhahood"Zen Buddhism (L)y1970v20i1Octoberp32
Wheel of Life and the LawFrancia Bradshaw Ellis (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp33
A Universe That ThinksColin Wilson (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp35
filler - "Looking back on the past I have vivid sense"AE (George W Russell) (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp40
The Riddle of Ancient EgyptI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp41
Solar RadianceW Rinsma (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp46
filler - "No man ever got very far"BC Forbes (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp47
Great Things to DoJohn Heron (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp48
The Dhammapada (4)Harishcandra Kaviratna (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp52
November AlchemyAllan J Stover (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp56
From NigeriaAU Ogubunka (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp58
filler - Truth never yet fell deadTheodore Parker (L)y1970v20i2Novemberp64z+
From SwedenRutger Bergstrom (L)y1970v20i3Decemberp65
Showing 3201 to 3250 of 6911 entries